
last update: 02/08/2025


This documentation is your in-depth Manual on everything J.SHOW has to offer, such as the wide variety of functions, permissions, notifications, and other complex topics for the most streamline professional touring experience.

This documentation is currently work in progress.

About J.SHOW


We offer two types of Platforms, the Artist Platform and the Agency Platform.

Both Platforms come with their own customizable sub-domains (eg.

Important: Once a sub-domain has been chosen, it cannot be changed.

About the Agency Platform

Are you an Agency working for multiple Artists? Start here!

If you are managing more than a few Artists, getting an Agency Platform is the first step in creating an efficient and solid foundation for your business. From there, you can add the desired amount of Artist Platforms.

All Artist Platforms that have been created via a particular Agency Platform use the same Database for ‘Venues’, ‘Promoters’ and ‘Hotels’ for the smoothest work experience.

The price for an Agency Platform is $549 / Year + 19% VAT

We offer customized package deals (including a blend of Standard and Pro Artist Platforms) tailored to the specific needs of your Agency. Depending on the number of Artists you manage, we can provide a tiered pricing structure with volume discounts.

Note: Multiple Agency Platforms may be granted access to the same Artist Platform.

The Agency Platform is available for desktop browsers only.

Note: To see a list of all 'People' registered across all Artist Platforms associated with a particular Agency Platform, go to the Agency Platform in question > People. This list can be filtered by Function and Artist Platform.

About the Artist Platform

The Artist Platform can be created by either Agencies working with multiple Artists, or by independent Artists.

The Artist Platform is where the true life of a Tour Production takes place.

We offer two options for Artist Platforms:

The price for a Sandard Artist Platform is $219 / Year + 19% VAT

The price for a Pro Artist Platform is $379 / Year + 19% VAT

The Pro Version includes everything the Standard Version has to offer, PLUS the following additional features:

Generate contracts

Record presales

Sales forecasts

Enter deals

Create settlements with local promoters

Generate invoices

And soon, even more features will become available:

Plan budgets and costs

Document expenses and costs

Tour profit forecast

Artist-side settlement

The Artist Platform has both a full desktop version as well as a smartphone versions with limited functions, available for both iOS and Android.

If you did not create the Artist Platform yourself, you must be invited to gain access. Use your email address to register.

If you are invited to multiple Artist Platforms with the same email address, you have to register for each one of them but do not need to create a new profile; the existing profile of any previous Artist Platform will be grandfathered-in.

You can log in to the app with up to three email addresses simultaneously.

To reset your password, click on Forgot Password? in the login window. After entering the email address, you will receive an email with a link to change your password. The password will be updated for all Platforms to which you have access to with this profile.

A typical example for pricing:

Suppose you're an Agency managing 10 Artists, you'll need one Agency Platform priced at USD 549 net per year, plus 10 Artist Platforms. If you opt for 8 Standard Artist Platforms at USD 219 net each and 2 Pro Artist Platforms at USD 379 net each, your annual total comes out to USD 3,059 net.

Getting Started with J.SHOW

Creating an Agency Platform

To create an Agency Platform, visit and try our FREE 30-day access to the all-inclusive service at no risk!

Click on Agency-Platform

Choose your preferred sub-domain

Provide the name of your Agency as well as your email address

Select ‘Create Agency-Platform’

Registration link will be sent via email

You’re ready to go!

Creating an Artist Platform

There are two options for creating an Artist Platform.

To create an Artist Platform as an independent artist, visit and try our FREE 30-day access to the all-inclusive service at no risk!

Click on Artist-Platform

Choose your preferred sub-domain

Provide the name of the Artist as well as your email address

Select ‘Create Platform’

Registration link will be sent via email

Let's go!!

To create an Artist Platform within an Agency Platform, use +PLATFORM in the top right corner and follow the steps above.

Creating a PRO Artist Platform

If you are interested in upgrading an Artist Platform to the PRO version, follow these simple steps:

Login to the Artist Platform

Go to Settings

On the left side, choose between TRY PRO FOR 30 DAYS and UPGRADE TO PRO

Linking an Artist Platform to an Agency Platform

If an already existing independent Artist Platform would like to be integrated into an Agency Platform, please contact for further assistance.

The Basics (Desktop Browser)

Language Settings

For the Agency Platform, the language will automatically conform to your browser settings.

For the Artist Platform, the language is selected under Settings > ‘Global’. When new members are invited to join the platform, the language can be individually selected.

Note:The language chosen in the Artist Platform ‘Settings’ influences the default language selection for 'Invites' and the language of printed documents such as ‘daysheets’ and ‘contracts’.


Inviting Employees to join an Agency Platform

Invite ‘Employees’ to join an Agency Platform and easily assign them to all relevant Artist Platforms.

Login to Agency Platform

Select EMPLOYEES on top

Click the next to the ‘Employee’ window

Under ‘Invite Employee’, provide their email address, select whether they have ‘ADMIN’ rights, and which Artist Platforms they will have access to

Once you click SEND, they will receive an email invitation to join and register on the Agency Platform

Who is considered an ‘Employee’? Individuals who work for an Agency but are not actively on the road with Touring Teams of Artists. 'Employees' have Access Rights (with or without Admin Rights) on the Agency Platform to create and manage Artist Platforms and other employees. However, ‘Employees’ have access to Artist Platforms ONLY via the Agency Platform. They do NOT automatically have 'Profiles' on these Platforms.

NOTE: If Employees are to be assigned specific roles as part of the Touring Team, or simply want access to the J.SHOW App, they will need to receive an additional ‘Invite’ (see below) and create an actual 'Profile' on the respective Artist Platforms.

To view a list of all Agency employees, go to EMPLOYEES > ‘Employees’ window

Touring Team Creation

Inviting People to join the Artist Platforms

i.e. Creating Personal Profiles on Artist Platforms

Artist Platforms must send an ‘Invite’ to all people who are actively part of their Touring Production Team and/or want to create usable ‘Profiles’ on their Artist Platform and/or want access to the J.SHOW App, including ‘Employees’.

Note: Once an ‘Employee’ has created a ‘Profile’ directly with an Artist Platform, their Access Rights on a specific Artist Platform will supersede their Admin Rights as ‘Employee’.

Login to Artist Platform OR login to Agency Platform and select desired Artist Platform

Select PEOPLE on top

Click the +ADD NEW PERSON underneath

A new ‘Invite Person’ window will pop up, provide their first name, email address, preferred language and access rights, funtion etc.

Note: If a particular 'Function:' does not appear in the drop-down menu, go to Settings > People > Functions and check the missing 'Function'.

Once you click SEND, they will receive an email invitation to join and register on the Artist Platform

Another option is to SAVE AND SEND LATER

To view a list of all people associated with the Artist Platform, go to PEOPLE > OVERVIEW

Note: The listed people can login to this Artist platform via Browser and the J.SHOW App

Note: You can generate and print a spreadsheet based on the People Roster within the Artist Platform by selecting PEOPLE > EXPORT.

To edit a Person's Personal Profile:

To edit someone else's Profile as Admin/Agency, login to an Agency / Artist Platform > go to People > click on the Person in question > An Edit profile window will pop up > make the desired changes

To edit your own Profile, login to an Artist Platform > click on PROFILE at the bottom of the page > An Edit profile window will pop up > make the desired changes

How to join an Artist or Agency Platform as an Invitee

Once you’ve been invited by either an Artist or Agency Platform, you will receive an email invite to register with their Platform.

Open the email invite

Click on Join Now

Choose a password

Login to your Platform


‘Venues’ added to the Venue Database of an Agency Platform will become available to all associated Artist Platforms.

Go to VENUES on top > + ADD NEW VENUE

A new ‘ADD NEW VENUE’ window will pop up

Fill out the relevant information, such as address, contact person, capacity, parking, etc.

Click SAVE

New ‘Venue’ will appear in the Venue Roster

To add a ‘Venue’ to an individual Artist Platform, follow the same steps as above.

Note: You can generate and print a spreadsheet based on the Venue Roster within the Artist Platform by selecting VENUES > EXPORT.


‘Partners’ added to the Partner Database of an Agency Platform will become available to all associated Artist Platforms.


A new ‘ADD NEW PARTNER’ window will pop up

Fill out the relevant information, such as company name, contact information, billing address, etc.

Click SAVE

New ‘Partner’ will appear in the Partner Roster

To add a ‘Partner’ to an individual Artist Platform, follow the same steps as above.

Note: You can generate and print a spreadsheet based on the Partner Roster within the Artist Platform by selecting PARTNERS > EXPORT.


‘Hotels’ added to the Hotel Database of an Agency Platform will become available to all associated Artist Platforms.

Go to HOTELS on top > + ADD NEW HOTEL

A new ‘ADD HOTEL’ window will pop up

Fill out the relevant information, such as address, check in/out, breakfast, etc.

Click SAVE

New ‘Hotel’ will appear in the Hotel Roster

To add a ‘Hotel’ to an individual Artist Platform, follow the same steps as above.

Note: You can generate and print a spreadsheet based on the Hotel Roster within the Artist Platform by selecting HOTELS > EXPORT.


'Vehicles' can only be added in specific Artist Platforms (not in Agency Database).


A new ‘ADD NEW VEHICLE’ window will pop up

Fill out the relevant information, such as vehicle type, licence plate, number of seats, etc.

Click SAVE

New ‘Vehicle’ will appear in the Vehicle Roster

Accessing the Agency Platform

The Agency Platform is accessed by logging into their custom sub-domain.

You can login to the Agency Platform using the master password or an employee account.

Employee Access

The Employees tab is visible to the owner and all employees with admin rights. From here, agency employees can be individually assigned to multiple Artist Platforms.

The Events tab allows all employees to see the events of the Artists they've been assigned to.

The Select Platform dropdown allows direct access to each Artist Platform.

The Pre-Sales by Promoter dropdown allows employees to view the Pre-Sales List with all events for a specific promoter. This feature is particularly for weekly pre-sales entries. (Note: only applicable to Artist Platforms with PRO version)

Employees without admin rights do not have access to the Settings of the agency platform and cannot create new platforms.

Employees with admin rights can:

Reset Password

Forgot your password? An 'Employee' can request a password change using Forgot Password? next to the password input field. After entering their email address, they will receive an email with a link to change the password. The password will be updated for all Platforms to which they have access with this email address.

Advancing a Tour

Effortlessly planning, booking and managing Events.

Creating an Event

To create a new ‘Event’ of any kind on an Artist Platform



Select the desired Event Date from the Calendar window

A new ‘Basic Information’ window will pop up to fill in relevant information, such as Event Type, Event Status, Event Title, etc.

The ‘Event’ will now be visible on the DASHBOARD and under EVENTS in the Event Roster

Note: A Blue bar next to the boxes inside of an Event indicates that recent changes have been made in this box. These bars appear individually for every user and disappear after the user has seen the new information.

Note: Conveniently toggle between different Events by using the left and right arrows of your keyboard.

Editing Multiple Events

For the most streamline advancing, conveniently edit multiple Events all at once.


An 'Edit Multiple' window will pop up


Choose all relevant 'Events' from the Event Roster


The 'Edit Multiple' window will pop up again

Fill in information and select APPLY for all relevant fields

Note: Green markings highlight all consistent information across selected Events.

Creating Tour Blocks

To easily disginguish between different Tours, and for clear delineation of different Tour Blocks in the Event Roster

Select the first ‘Event’ of a Tour Block from the Event Roster in EVENTS

Hit the inside the Basic Information box

A 'Basic Information' window will pop up

Check the box next to start of tour

Repeat for the first 'Event' in the next Tour Block

Your Tour Blocks will now be clearly delineated in the Event Roster

Note: Only Events within the same Tour Block will be displayed connected under EVENTS > MAP

Exporting Event List

Whether you want to print Daysheets for multiple Events, print Text, CSV (Excel) with or without Setlists, or subscribe Events to your Calendar


An ‘Export’ window will pop up

Choose from the listed options as mentioned above

Customizing an Event - 'Event Overview'

Every 'Event' can be fully customized and tailored to your needs in the Event Overview. Here, you'll find a plethora of features that allow for a highly streamline Advancing of a Tour and serves as a Central Hub through which all relevant information is collected and distributed to your entire Tour Team. Plan, coordinate, and execute your Tours with unparalleled efficiency while ensuring that every Team Member is informed of crucial details and updates at all times.

The following features and settings can be all be accessed and fully customized by selecting the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Adding Travel Party

To add all members of a Travel Party to an ‘Event’, including Artists, Crew, Tour Managers, etc.

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS

Go to TRAVEL PARTY in the lower bar > +ADD

Select all relevant people to add to the Travel Party from the list

Click on +ADD SELECTED to add selected people from People Roster

Adding Vehicles

To add all traveling ‘Vehicles’ to an ‘Event’

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS

Go to VEHICLES in the lower bar > +ADD

Select all relevant ‘Vehicles’ to add to the Travel Party from the list

Click on ADD PERSON to assign people to a particular ‘Vehicle’

Note: If you go to Overview and select Plan "Arrival" / "Departure" / "Onward Journey" Indvidually in the respective Arrival/Depature/Next Event window, the vehicles that have been added to the Event via the steps above will already be pre-filled with the selected members of the Travel Party. Check separate assignment if you want to decouple Arrival and Departure Information and plan occupancy of Vehicles individually (e.g. removing or replacing certain members of the Travel Party for Arrival but not Departure, or vice versa)

Adding Guests

To add people to the ‘Guestlist’ of an ‘Event’

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS


A window will pop up to add a ‘Guest’ to the ‘Event’

Fill out relevant information and click ADD

‘Guest’ will now appear in the Guestlist Roster

Adding Event Venue

To add a 'Venue' to a specific Event

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Venue box

A 'Venue' window will pop up

Fill out relevant information and click SAVE

Note: If you want to apply the changes made to a Venue to the Venue Database, check Update dataset globally at the bottom of the window

Note: All members of a Travel Party who have been are part of a certain Event will be able to review the Venue of the Event.

Adding Venue Specifications

To add 'Venue Specs' to a specific Event

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Venue Specs box

A 'Venue Specs:"Venue Name" ' window will pop up

Fill out relevant information (e.g. capacity, stage dimensions, etc.) and click SAVE

Note: All entries that were made for a particular Venue will become visible in the Overview of an Event.

Note: If you want to apply the changes made to a Venue to the Venue Database, check Update dataset globally at the bottom of the window

Adding Event Promoter

To add information about a Promoter for a particular Event

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Partner box

You will be redirected to the Partner Roster

Select the relevant Partner. It will automatically be visible in the Partner Box

Adding Contact Persons (CP)

To add a variety of Contact Persons (CP) to an Event

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the CP box in question (CP for Venue, Promoter, Technician, on site)

Fill out relevant CP information

Check add as new contact to the global database if you prefer

Note: Hit the inside the CP Other if you want to add additional Contact Persons. Only 'CP Other' has the option of choosing visibility for certain permission groups.

Adding Event Schedule

To add a detailed schedule of the Event

Option 1

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Schedule box

A ‘Schedule’ window will pop up

Name the Title of the Schedule next to Text:

To create two columns (left and right aligned) for easy overview, use the L -//- R button

To separate rows clearly, use the --- button in between rows


Arrival -//- 12 pm


Lunch -//- 2.30 pm

Select who this ‘Schedule’ is visible for and SAVE

Option 2

Please visit Apply General Template to Events for detailed instructions.

Adding Catering Information

To add a detailed Catering Schedule

Option 1

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Catering box

A ‘Catering’ window will pop up

Select and fill in all relevant information

To create two columns (left and right aligned) for easy overview, use the L -//- R button

To separate rows clearly, use the --- button in between rows

Use ADDRESS to provide a google maps link to the Catering Location

Option 2

Please visit Apply General Template to Events for detailed instructions.

Note: As soon as Catering Information has been provided, and people have been added to the Travel Party of the Event, a summary of all Dietary Preferences (based on information provided in Travel Party's individual profiles) will become available in the Catering Box.

Adding A Setlist

To add the Setlist for the Show

Option 1

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Setlist box

A 'Edit setlist' window will pop up

Either (1) manually add songs from the Song Pool or (2) click on COPY FROM TEMPLATE to apply a Setlist Template to the Event

Changes will be automatically applied

Option 2

Please visit Apply Setlist Template for detailed instructions.

Adding Hotel Information

To add detailed Hotel Information (e.g. check-in/out, special requests, etc.)

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Hotel box

Choose a Hotel from the Hotel Databank or select + ADD NEW HOTEL, fill out relevant information and click SAVE

Changes will be automatically applied to Event

Note: If a Hotel has already been chosen, and you want to add more information, hit the inside the Hotel box instead and fill in relevant information.

To choose Rooming for the Travel Party of the Event

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS

Hit the inside the Hotel box

Add all rooms desired by the Travel Party, and either click FILL ROOMS AUTOMATICALLY or manually select occupancy for each room, including whether guests will be checking in early or checking out late.

Changes will be applied automatically to Event

Note: If the same Rooming is desired for multiple Events, conveniently click on APPLY TO EVENTS in the same 'Rooming for Hotel' window, and choose all relevant Events from the Event Roster, then click on TAKE HOTEL ROOMING TO SELECTED DATES

Note: Only members of a Travel Party who have been roomed in a particular Hotel will be able to review said Hotel.

How to work Arrival and Departure (or Next Event / Onward Journey) Options

For every Event, you will have the option to add ‘Arrival’ as well as ‘Departure’ / ‘Next Event’ / ‘Onward Journey’ information.

Important: In order to take full advantage of planning all Arrivals and the Next Event/Ongoing Journey of a Tour Production, it is important to add Off Days in between Tour Dates. Otherwise, the shortcut options ‘From’ the previous/’To’ the next location ('Hotel' and/or 'Venue') won’t be available in the basic ‘Arrival’ and/or ‘Next Event’/’Onward Journey’ box.

Go to EVENTS > + NEW EVENTS > ’select date’ > choose ‘Off’ in Type:

Note: As soon as Events have been created for two or more consecutive days, the ‘Departure’ box changes into a ‘Next Event’ box (with the exception of the last Event of a Tour Production).

Note: The venue or hotel location, if provided for the next Event, will be automatic options in the ‘Next Event’ window, in addition to the ‘Homebase’.

Note: ‘Distance’ and ‘Driving Time’ will be calculated automatically, depending on which ‘auto calc’ option you choose (e.g. car vs. nightliner vs. nightliner with trailer).

Adding Homebase Information

In order to add the Homebase of an Artist, and have it be an automatic shortcut option in the basic 'Arrival', 'Departure', and 'Next Event' windows

Go to the Artist Platform in question > SETTINGS > PLATFORM > GLOBAL and provide the 'Homebase' location underneath 'Arrival from'.

Scenario 1: Entire Travel Party will arrive and/or depart together

Basic 'Arrival' Information

The basic ‘Arrival’ window will be sufficient if the entire Travel Party originates from the same previous Event location or a ‘Homebase'.

To add 'Basic Arrival Information' about the arrival of the Travel Party (e.g. previous location/Venue/Hotel/Homebase, distance, driving time, etc.)

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Arrival box

Fill in/select relevant From: information

Use the ‘auto calc’ options to automatically calculate ‘Distance’ and ‘Driving Time’

Click SAVE

Note: If the 'Venue' or 'Hotel' locations have been provided for the previous Event, they will be automatic options to choose from, in addition to the Homebase of the Artist.

Basic 'Departure' Information

If there is no Event the next day, you will see a ‘Departure’ box.

To add 'Basic Departure Information' of the Travel Party (e.g. subsequent location, distance, driving time, etc.) for a one-off function or the last Event of a Tour

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Departure box

Fill in/select relevant To: information

Use the ‘auto calc’ options to automatically calculate ‘Distance’ and ‘Driving Time’

Click SAVE

Note: If the ‘Homebase’ location has been provided, it will be the only automatic option to choose from in the basic ‘Departure’ window. See above on how to set a Homebase.

'Departure' 'Next Event'

If there is an Event the following day, you will see a basic ‘Next Event’ window in place of ‘Departure’.

To add 'Basic Next Event Information'

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Next Event box

Fill in/select relevant To: information

Use the ‘auto calc’ options to automatically calculate ‘Distance’ and ‘Driving Time’

Click SAVE

Note: If the ‘Venue’ or ‘Hotel’ locations have been provided for the next Event, they will be automatic options to choose from, in addition to ‘Homebase’.

Important: Make sure to have Off Days added in between Events to have the ‘Next Event’ box show up.

Scenario 2: Members of the Travel Party will arrive and/or depart individually to/from different locations.

Advanced 'Arrival' Information

The advanced ‘Arrival’ window will be relevant if members of the Travel Party will arrive in various different ways.

To provide 'Detailed Arrival Information'

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Arrival box

Choose PLAN "ARRIVAL" INDIVIDUALLYin the basic 'Arrival' window. You will now see an advanced 'Arrival' window.

For each individual member or sub-group of people of a Travel Party, you can provide detailed Arrival Information (i.e. departure and arrival time and date via train, taxi, airplane, distance, driving time, etc.)

You can also add individual ‘Vehicles’ with a specific occupancy of people

Click on SAVE or APPLY TO EVENTS to conveniently assign the same modes of transportation, vehicle occupancy and important information to other Events

Click on COPY AS "DEPARTURE" to assign the same vehicle occupancy to the Departure Plan

Note: If you want to reset the 'Plan "Arrival" or "Departure" Individually' window to its original 'Basic Arrival Information', please go to the Event in question > OVERVIEW > SETTINGS > un-check the 'Plan "Arrival" individually' and/or 'Plan "Onward Journey" individually' in the Arrival/Departure box. Changes will be applied automatically (you may have to refresh the page).

Note: If the Travel Party upon Arrival in a specific ‘Vehicle’ will be different from their travels to the Next Event/Onward Journey, check separate assignment to decouple this particular Arrival and Next Event/Onward Journey ‘Vehicle’. (e.g. a party of three arrives in a car for the start of a Tour, but will be adding an additional person to the car for the remainder of the Tour)

Advanced 'Departure' Information

The advanced ‘Departure’ window will be relevant if there is no Event the next day and individual members of the Travel Party will depart in different ways.

To provide a 'Detailed Departure Plan'

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Departure box

Choose PLAN "DEPARTURE" INDIVIDUALLY to open a more advanced 'departure' box to add personalized Departure information

You can now provide detailed Departure Information for each individual member, or a sub-group of people, of the Travel Party (i.e. departure and arrival time and date via train, taxi, airplane, distance, driving time, etc.)

You can also add individual ‘Vehicles’ with a specific occupancy of people

Click on SAVE or APPLY TO EVENTS to conveniently assign the same destination, modes of transportation, vehicle occupancy and important information to other Events

Click on COPY AS "ARRIVAL" to assign the same vehicle occupancy to Arrival Information

Note: If you want to reset the ‘Plan "Departure" Individually' window to its original 'Basic Departure Information', please go to the Event in question > OVERVIEW > SETTINGS > un-check the 'Plan "Arrival" individually' and/or 'Plan "Onward Journey" individually' in the Arrival/Departure box. Changes will be applied automatically (you may have to refresh the page).

'Next Event' Advanced 'Onward Journey'

This option is relevant if there is an Event the following day, but you want to individually plan the Onward Journey of different members of the Travel Party.

To provide 'Detailed Onward Journey Information'

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Next Event box

Choose PLAN "ONWARD JOURNEY" INDIVIDUALLY in the basic 'Next Event' window. You will now see an 'Onward Journey' box with advanced options in place of 'Next Event'

You can now provide detailed departure Information for each individual member, or a sub-group of people, of the Travel Party (i.e. departure and arrival time and date via train, taxi, airplane, distance, driving time, etc.)

You can also add individual ‘Vehicles’ with a specific occupancy of people

Click on SAVE or APPLY TO EVENTS to conveniently assign the same destination, modes of transportation, vehicle occupancy and important information to other Events

Click on COPY AS "ARRIVAL" to assign the same vehicle occupancy to Arrival Information

Note: If the Travel Party upon Arrival in a specific ‘Vehicle’ will be different from their travels to the Next Event/Onward Journey, check separate assignment to decouple this particular Arrival and Next Event/Onward Journey ‘Vehicle’. (e.g. a party of three arrives in a car for the start of a Tour, but will be adding an additional person to the car for the remainder of the Tour)

Adding Flight Information

Quickly and conveniently add Flight Information for all Advanced Arrivals, Departures and Onward Journeys.

Click on Plan "Arrival" / "Departure" / "Onward Journey" Individually in the respective Arrival/Departure/Next Event window

Select Airplane under 'Other Mode of Transportation:'

All you need to fill in is the Flight number:

From/Departure/Terminal/Arrival will be auto-filled based on provided Flight Number

On the day of travel, the flight can be monitored in the Event Overview in real time and will display the airport terminal, depature, arrival and possible delays

Decoupling Arrival and Departure

If the mode of transportation between Arrival and Departure will change for members of a Travel Party in any given Event, you can easily decouple Arrival and Departure Information to accommodate any Travel changes.

Click on Plan "Arrival" / "Departure" / "Onward Journey" Individually in the respective Arrival/Departure/Next Event window

Choose a 'Vehicle' or 'Other mode of transportation'

Add the desired members of the Travel Party

Check separate assignment (only needed once for either Arrival or Departure to decouple them)

You can now add or remove any members of the Travel Party individually to create separate Arrival and Departure without making global changes to this particular assignment

Adding Personalized Category

To add an additional personalized box in the Event Overview (e.g. Interview appointment, etc.)

Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the Event Roster in EVENTS > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Open field box

Name the box ('Title:') and provide any relevant information

To create two columns (left and right aligned) for easy overview, use the L -//- R button

To separate rows clearly, use the --- button in between rows

Use ADDRESS to provide a google maps link to the appointment location

Choose who can see this personalized box in their Event Overview and click SAVE

Creating Templates

Using Templates to streamline creating, planning and managing a Tour.

General Template


Note: You can create up to nine ‘General’ templates per Platform

To create up to three separate ‘Schedules’ within a General Template (e.g. General Schedule, Crew Schedule, Artist Schedule, etc.),

Hit the inside the Schedule box

A ‘Schedule’ window will pop up

Name the Title of the Schedule next to Text:

To create two columns (left and right aligned) for easy overview, use the L -//- R button

To separate rows clearly, use the --- button in between rows


Arrival -//- 12 pm


Lunch -//- 2.30 pm

Select who this ‘Schedule’ is visible for and SAVE

To provide information about ‘Catering’

Hit the inside the Catering box

A ‘Catering’ window will pop up

Select and fill in all relevant information

To create two columns (left and right aligned) for easy overview, use the L -//- R button

To separate rows clearly, use the --- button in between rows

Use ADDRESS to provide a google maps link to the Catering Location

To apply the ‘Overview Template’ to relevant Events

Option 1


Choose which categories (e.g. Schedule, Catering, To Do, etc.) you would like to apply to the Events in question


Check all relevant Events in the Event Roster


Option 2

Go to EVENTS > choose relevant Event from Event Roster


Choose the General Template you want to apply to this Event

Choose which categories (e.g. Schedule, Catering, To Do, etc.) you would like to apply to the Event in question and click APPLY

Travel Party Template

Create a list of core people who accompany several Events or a particular Tour


Click on + ADD PERSON and select all relevant people from the People Roster


To apply the ‘Travel Party Template’ to relevant Events

Option 1


Choose whether you want to FILL UP or REPLACE the list of people

Check all relevant Events in the Event Roster


Option 2

Go to EVENTS > choose relevant Event from Event Roster


Choose the Travel Party Template you want to apply to this Event

Choose whether you want to FILL UP or REPLACE the Travel Party List

Changes will be automatically applied

Vehicle Template

Create a fleet of vehicles that accompany several Events or a particular Tour


Click on + ADD VEHICLE and select all relevant vehicles from the Vehicle Roster OR select + ADD NEW VEHICLE

To apply the ‘Vehicle Template’ to relevant Events

Option 1


Check all relevant Events in the Event Roster


Option 2

Go to EVENTS > choose relevant Event from Event Roster


Choose the Vehicle Template you want to apply to this Event

Choose whether you want to FILL UP or REPLACE the Vehicle List

Changes will be automatically applied

Setlist Template

Creating a Song Pool

First, create a Databank of Songs for an Artist Platform to use in your Setlist Templates


Hit the inside the Songs box

A ‘Create Song’ window will pop up with several standard specifications (Title, Duration, Composition Number, Composer, Note)

Fill in all relevant information and click SAVE

Repeat these steps to add desired Songs to your Song Pool

Note: If you wish to add more specifications/categories to your Songs (e.g. BPM), hit the inside the Other fields box and click SAVE. The additional specification will now be visible for all Song in the Databank.

Note: All changes to Songs in the Databank will be applied globally to all Setlists.

Creating Notes for Setlists

If you would like to add other elements in your Setlist (e.g. announcements, special dance interlude, short films, etc.)

Hit the inside the Notes box

A ‘Create Note’ window will pop up (Text, Duration, Note)

Fill in all relevant information and click SAVE

Repeat these steps to add desired Notes to your Databank

Create a Setlist Template


A ‘Create Setlist’ window will pop up

Name the new Setlist using Title and click SAVE

Use the next to each Song you would like to add to the Setlist. The selected Songs will now appear underneath the Setlist Template (including total number of songs and duration of Setlist.

Use the next to each Note you would like to add to the Setlist. The selected Notes will now appear underneath the Setlist Template.

Printing your Setlist

Easily create and print out customized Setlists for different functions (e.g. Musicians, Crew, Sound Technicians, etc.)

1. Formatting Templates

Create customized Templates for Setlist Printouts

Hit the inside the Formatting templates box

>A ‘Create formatting template’ window will pop up

Name the new Formatting Template using Text and click CREATE. It will automatically appear in the Formatting Template Roster.

>An ‘Edit formatting template’ window will pop up

Choose all fields on the right side to be displayed in the printout (e.g. Title, Duration, Composer, etc.)

Choose whether to print the Artist Logo, Set Duration, etc.

Choose printer formatting (alignment, borders, font size)

All selections will be automatically applied to the Formatting Template

Note: If you wish to edit or remove a Formatting Template from the Roster, hit the next to the Formatting Template in question, edit desired information or click on DELETE.

2. To preview a Setlist using a customized Formatting Template

Go to TEMPLATES > SETLIST > choose the relevant ‘Setlist’ in the Menu > PREVIEW

>A ‘PREVIEW’ window will pop up

Navigate through the Formatting Template in the top right corner using the dropdown-menu

3. To print a Setlist using a customized Formatting Template

Go to TEMPLATES > SETLIST > choose the relevant ‘Setlist’ in the Menu > PRINT

A ‘PRINT window will pop up

Choose the desired Formatting Template from the list

A PDF-file will be generated in a new window

4. To print your Setlist as CSV (Excel) file, please go to Exporting Event List for more information.

To apply the ‘Setlist Template’ to relevant Events

Option 1

Go to TEMPLATES > SETLIST > choose the relevant ‘Setlist’ in the Menu > APPLY TO EVENTS

Check all relevant Events in the Event Roster


Option 2

Go to EVENTS > choose relevant Event from Event Roster > OVERVIEW

Hit the inside the Setlist box


Choose which Setlist Template you want to apply to the Event in question

Changes will be automatically applied

Universal Templates by Event Type

Automatically apply Templates to certain Event Types


Choose the general ‘Overview’, which ‘Travel Party’ and ‘Vehicles’ will be automatically applied to all New Events of the same Type

The J.SHOW App


The app is available for free in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

To login via the app, you must be registered on at least one Artist Platform.

Once you login, you will automatically have access to all platforms that are linked to this email address.

All agency employees need to register on their respective Artist Platforms to be able to access the app.

You can use the app with up to 3 email addresses simultaneously.

On the app's homepage ("Your Events"), all upcoming events where you are listed in the travel party of all registered platforms are displayed. Clicking on the artist's logo takes you to the event list of this artist.

Tap on the arrow, or the (J) at the top to see all platforms where you are registered. Here, you also get access to the subscribeable calendar.


since iOS App Version 1.98 / Android App Version 2.9

The app automatically downloads the 3 upcoming events from every Artist Platform for convenient offline use.

Note: Files are not currently downloadable in the offline version, but this feature will come in the future.

If the app detects no internet connection after 10 seconds, it automatically switches to offline mode. The app will then display the downloaded platforms.

Permissions and Visibility in the Artist Platform

A suitable permission level is available for each person group. In some areas, the settings can specify which rights the respective group should have.

The bottom left corner displays the email address you are currently logged in with. If the permission is Admin or Agency, you can select a lower permission to see how the platform looks for those people. However, note that some functions require you to be part of the travel party yourself. To test this correctly, you must also add yourself to the travel party, which only works if you are logged in to this artist platform with your own access and not accessing this artist platform via an agency platform.

The permissions are listed in descending order below.


Has full access to all functions and settings.


Does not have access to the settings for platform, appearance, notifications , and people. Otherwise, same as Admin.

Tour Management

Does not have access to the settings. Does not have access to the databases venues, organizers, and hotels.

Does not have access to the presale overview.

Can invite people to the platform.

Can upload general files on the desktop.

Can open the map.

Sees the announcements column in the event list.

Does not see any information on ticket presales and occupancy in the event list.

Can edit events where the person is already added to the travel party.

Can create and edit vehicles.

Can finalize, print, and send the guest list for events where the person is in the travel party.

Can apply templates to events where the person is in the travel party.

Cannot create or edit templates.

Does not have access to the contract of an event by default. However, this can be changed by Admin and Agency in the Settings > Contract, so Tour Management can access the contract of those events where this person is in the travel party.

Has access to the overview People > Crew Booking but cannot make bookings here.


Has no access to the settings like Tour Management.

Does not have access to the presale overview.

Cannot upload general files on the desktop.

Can open the map.

Sees the announcements column in the event list.

Sees all information on ticket presales and occupancy in the event list.

Cannot edit events or their contents.

Cannot create or edit vehicles.

Can, depending on the settings under Settings > Guest List, either add and edit entries to the guest list, or only add wishes, which must then be confirmed by a person with Admin, Agency, or Tour Management permissions.

Does not have access to templates.

Does not have access to the contract by default. However, this can be changed by Admin and Agency in the Settings > Contract, so Artist can access all contracts.

Has access to the overview People > Crew Booking but cannot make bookings here.


Sees all information in the overview of an event.

Cannot edit events or their contents.

Does not see files uploaded as "internal".

Does not see information on presales (can be changed in Settings > Tickets).

Can, depending on the settings under Settings > Guest List, either add and edit entries to the guest list, or only add wishes, which must then be confirmed by a person with Admin, Agency, or Tour Management permissions.

Does not have access to the contract.

Does not have access to the settings.

Does not have access to templates.

Cannot create or edit vehicles.

Does not have access to the presale overview.

Cannot upload general files on the desktop.

Has access to the overview People > Crew Booking but cannot make bookings here.


Differs from Crew+ only in one point:

Depending on the settings under Settings > Guest List, either cannot add any entries to the guest list, or only add wishes, which must then be confirmed by an authorized person.


Only sees events where this person is listed in the travel party, whether the invisible mode is active or not.

Depending on the settings under Settings > Guest List, either cannot add any entries to the guest list, or only add wishes, which must then be confirmed by an authorized person.

If the crew booking tool is active for this person, this person sees all events in the list to mark availability but can still only open events where they are listed in the travel party.

Visibility of Events

The option unter SETTINGS > PERMISSIONS >VISIBILITY OF EVENTS is an important way to limit the basic visibility of events. When this is active, people with Tour Management, Crew+, Crew, and Guest permissions only see those events where they are listed in the travel party. People with Admin, Agency, and Artist permissions are not affected by this.

People with the crew booking tool active can always see the entire event list to mark their availability. However, they can only open events when the invisible mode is active if they are listed in the travel party.

Overview of an Event

On the Desktop

When you click on an event in the events list, you land in the overview of this event. Here, all information relevant for the smooth running of an event is compiled.


Daysheet & Schedule Print

If the checkbox at planning finished below the Basic Information is checked, then the daysheet and the schedule can be printed by all people who can open this event.

If this checkbox is not checked, then only Admin, Agency, and Tour Management who are part of the travel party can print these documents.

The font size of the daysheet can be changed by Admin and Agency either in the preview of the daysheet at the top right of the bar or in the Settings > Daysheet. There you can also select what should be printed on the daysheet.

On the Smartphone

When you click on an event in the upcoming events list, you land in the overview of this event. Here, all information relevant for the smooth running of an event is compiled.



Under SETTINGS > NOTIFICATIONS there are numerous settings options to customize the notifications.

There is a fundamental distinction between urgent notifications and less urgent ones.

Less Urgent

For less urgent events, you are notified via email. This is the case, for example, when an event is created, moved, deleted, or its status is changed.


For urgent events, you are notified via app push. If the person to be notified is not logged into the app, they will be notified via email. Urgent notifications include, for example, when an event is today or tomorrow, and a change is made to the content of this event, or when a message is written in the conversation of an event.

Conversation Notification for Groups

When you send a message in the conversation of an event, you can select which groups of people should be notified.

The people are divided into the following groups:

Conversation Notification by Mention

You can mention people in the conversation with @FirstnameLastname to ensure that these people are definitely notified.

The notifications will then be sent to the person, even if they have disabled notifications, do not belong to the selected groups of people, and even if the person is not in the travel party.

Profile Settings

In the profile settings, you can disable notifications for messages in the conversation of an event and notifications for changes to today's or tomorrow's event separately.

If a person has disabled the notification for messages in the conversation of an event, they will still be notified if their name is mentioned with a preceding "@" symbol.



A venue always refers to a single stage. If a location has multiple stages, you create a separate venue for each stage. This is because information on technology, backstage area, loading, access, etc. often differs between the stages of a location or festival.

If a concert hall can be resized, an additional balcony opened, or the hall seated, then multiple capacities can be created within a venue. Within an event, you can then select the appropriate capacity in the venue form for that event.

If you want to upload a file to a venue (e.g., technical info, access plan,..), you can do this either via the database or by clicking on the arrow in the venue section in the event overview. Files from a venue are always automatically displayed in all events where this venue is entered. For example, if the same venue is entered in multiple artist platforms of an agency but only an outdated tech rider was available, it is sufficient if one person replaces these files in the venue either directly within an artist platform or via the agency platform. Then everyone who has this venue entered somewhere automatically has the latest version.






It is possible to create a template for all areas of an event.

These areas are divided into Overview, Travel Party, Vehicles, Contract (PRO only), and Setlist.

Up to 9 templates can be created for each area. These can then be applied directly to many events at once, or a template for an area can be applied within an event.

Event Types

Under TEMPLATE > EVENT TYPES, specific templates can be assigned to different event types. These templates are then automatically applied when creating an event with the corresponding event type.

Clicking on the checkmark next to an event type can deactivate that event type, so it is no longer available under Basic Data of an event.

Additionally, you can create your own event types here if you have special types, such as Duo, Acoustic, etc.

Crew Booking Tool

The Crew Booking Tool is designed to efficiently and easily inform the crew about new events, receive immediate feedback, and directly confirm the appropriate personnel.

If a person has the Crew Booking Tool active, they will automatically receive an email when new events are created. The email is formulated to ask the person to mark whether they are available for the events.

The person then sees the selection fields in the event list (green: I am available, orange: I might be available, red: I am not available).

Under PEOPLE > CREW BOOKING, you can see the availability of all people with an active Crew Booking Tool. The people are grouped according to their role or travel party template. This view is visible to all permissions except "Guest".

People with Admin or Agency permission can then directly respond to the availability of the crew from here. Clicking on the blue checkmark will add the corresponding person directly to the travel party of the event. The person will then receive a notification by email that they have been confirmed for this event. If this person is later removed from the travel party, they will receive another notification that they have been canceled for this event.

If in SETTINGS > PERMISSIONS the option for Tour Manager Permission has been activated, allowing tour managers to edit all events, then tour managers can also confirm or cancel people through this crew booking overview.

If the platform's "Invisible Mode" is enabled, people with an active Crew Booking Tool can see all events in the event list, but they can only open the events they are listed in the travel party for.

Specific Event Types

If a crew member is needed only for specific event types, below the option "Use Crew Booking Tool", you can click on "notify only for specific events" to select which event types this person is needed for. The person will then only receive emails about new events for the selected event types.

If the platform's "Invisible Mode" is enabled, or the person has "Guest" permission, only events with the corresponding event types will be visible in the event list for this person.

Global Crew Register

(desktop only)

The global crew register is visible to all people with Admin, Agency, or Tour Management permissions under PEOPLE > GLOBAL.

In the profile settings, you can activate the checkbox show my contact in global crew register, which lists your name, email address, phone number, functions, and associated platform(s). For people already invited with the crew booking tool active, the entry in the crew register is automatically active.

People who have activated their entry in the crew register always have access to the global crew register, regardless of permission.


A setlist can either be created directly in an event or prepared under TEMPLATES > SETLIST.

Songs, notes, additional fields, and formatting templates are stored independently of setlists or events, so they are always available for every setlist.

If you add songs or notes to a setlist and later change the contents of the songs or notes, these changes will automatically be reflected in the setlists.

Additional Fields

Once an Additional Field has been created, it is available in the form of a song and can be filled in there.

This way, you can create fields for different needs, such as "Tempo (BPM)" or "Pyro" to store corresponding information for a song.

Formatting Templates

The formatting templates are used to print the setlist for different needs.

You can select the fields to be printed, change the order, and make additional formatting settings.

When you want to print a setlist in the event, you can choose from the previously created formatting templates and print the setlist in the corresponding format.

Export CSV

The setlist can be exported as a CSV file including all fields. This file can then be easily processed further in Excel.